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This fully washed lot is sourced from Konga Amerderaro station in Konga Village, Yirgacheffe. This washing station is renowned for its amazing quality, having placed 7th in the inaugural Ethiopia Cup of Excellence, as well as placing on the final table for the Taste of Harvest 2018 and 2019.

Yirgacheffe is world-famous for these kinds of crisp, elegant, fully washed coffees. The altitude, the slow maturation of the cherries, the decades of experience, the intangible magic that exists at these Ethiopian mills.

Elegant, fruity and floral, this coffee is bursting with flavours like honeysuckle and juicy mango. There’s a finish not too dissimilar to black tea tannins or a rich, red wine. It’s the perfect coffee for a V60’s or a Chemex, as all the fruit will come out to play, but as espresso it’ll be bright and sweet.

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