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This coffee is a success story. So is the relationship that underpins it. It all began in 2015 when a sample arrived from a small village. We tasted it. We thought it had potential.

Osmar Pereira, together with his wife Cleusa and their community have been growing coffee for several years but had always sold locally. Our friends at Legender Coffee exporters had come across them and thought we should too. They sent a sample, we realised the potential, we made some tentative enquiries, and discovered a community that were willing to work together, in the pursuit of better quality, better prices and longer-term relationships.  The first steps were small. Three visits and eight years later, we see real results.

This lot is a classic pulped natural process, where the ripe coffee cherries are pulped, then laid out to dry on small patios. They are turned often, ensuring even drying, which leads to clean, sweet flavours. Chocolate, toffee, caramel. The altitude is high for Brazil, and the processing has risen in quality almost every year, so expect much more; black forest gateau, cherry, some praline flavours, all of them sweet and moreish.

It’s incredibly popular as espresso, for good reason. All of that sweetness crammed into a cortado, or a double espresso. Aeropress, cafetière and mokapot methods will all bring out the chocolate whereas filter will allow some of the fruitier flavours to come out to play. We’re so thrilled to keep working with this community, thanks to coffee aficionado’s like you.

